Pos – 0
Phosh On Screen Keyboard Stub
GObject—2.0 | The base type system library |
Browse documentation |
ActivationFilter |
Allows to suppress OSK activation based on the app-id of the currently active application. |
CharPopup |
A character popup. |
CompleterHunspell |
A completer using hunspell. |
CompleterManager |
Manages initialization and lookup of the different completion engines. |
CompleterPipe |
A completer using a unix pipe like approach. |
CompleterPresage |
A completer using presage. |
CompletionBar |
A button bar that displays completions and emits “selected” if one is picked. |
DebugWidget |
Widget to debug input metho state. |
EmojiPicker |
A widget to pick emojis from. |
InputMethod |
A Wayland input method handler. This wraps the zwp_input_method_v2 protocol easing things like double buffering state. |
InputSurface |
Main surface that has all the widgets. Should not bother how the OSK is driven. |
OskDbus |
Provides the sm.puri.OSK0 DBus interface. |
OskKey |
A key on the osk widget. |
OskWidget |
Renders the keyboard and reacts to keypresses by signal emissions. |
ShortcutsBar |
ShortcutsBar stored in gsettings. |
VirtualKeyboard |
A Wayland virtual keyboard that gets its keymaps from GNOME. It’s not concerned with any rendering. |
VkDriver |
Processes input events and drives a virtual keyboard using the wayland virtual keyboard protocol. The input events can either be based on kernel input event codes or GDK keycodes. |
Completer |
Interface for completion engines. |
InputMethodHint |
Input hint as specified by text input protocol. |
InputMethodPurpose |
Input purpose as specified by text input protocol. |
InputMethodTextChangeCause | |
OskKeyUse |
The use (purpose) of a key. |
OskWidgetLayer |
The currently displayed keyboard layer. |
OskWidgetMode |
The mode the |
VirtualKeyboardModifierFlags |
Modifiers matching the ones from wl_keyboard. |
Error Domains
CompleterError |
Errors emitted by the completion engines. |